I start school in about 30 hours, so I've been a tad bit on the distracted side when it comes to knitting and posting. I have been up to things though. PLUS, I just bought a new camera, so I don't have to wait to use one of my roommate's cameras to post! The progress of the Garden Gate socks are slow and tedious. I find myself carting it around and doing a row or two at a time, then forgetting about it and starting something new, then coming back to it for another row or two. It's currently my default project if I get bored with another project. At this rate I should be done... maybe Christmas of 2010? Maybe. Here's how "far" I've gotten: At least there's a heel now, right? (which, I might add, I did wrong because the pattern directions were worded very weird and I had to guess at what she was trying to say. Hence the little holes up the side of the heel. *shrug*) They are looking rather cute though. I just know, even if I do finish this one... who...