I love hats. So much.
These hats are what I like to call "24-hour hats" for obvious reasons. They're mindless knitting hats, just an inch and a half of ribbing, then stockinette all the way to the top, and take at most a day. I added buttons on to the stripey one to make it look less boring.
And then over winter break I decided in addition to a hat I would make a matching scarf. I knit it length-wise, not sure how it would come out. It was 400 stitches across and about 24 rows long- worked all in garter stitch, if that makes sense. I didn't know how long it would actually be until I cast off. It's crazy long. Like Dr. Who long. I wrapped it around my neck twice and it still almost touches the floor. :S But I think it rocks anyway, and after all that I still had enough yarn for the hat. The hat is my favorite "slouchy tam" pattern from craftster. I officially have way too many of these now.
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