I created a bunch of new color ways for the Sheep In The City Getaway, some sold immediately, some might not have been common enough references for this particular event (Dr. Girlfriend, for instance, might have gone over a few heads, lol) but I have posted all of these new geeky color ways on my etsy page: LadyPurl.etsy.com. Also posted a lot of pictures on my Facebook page. If you haven't already liked my Lady Purl Designs Facebook page you should log on and LIKE it :}. My next vending event will be here in Milwaukee, a sci-fi con called Concinity at MSOE (Milwaukee School of Engineering) held or sponsored by the Milwaukee Timelords and Milwaukee Steampunk Society. We'll see if this goes as well, but I have a feeling if I bump up the Doctor Who themes a lot I should be able to at least talk a bunch of nerdy boys into buying yarn for their knitty girlfriends, hehe.