Contrary to the popular belief that when someone graduates but doesn't have a full-time job they becomes a total bum, I have been doing many things of late. Mostly... knitting.
First on the block, and about 25% done is my pretty dog sweater. I'm calling it my Lady Victoria Sweater because it's made for an English Bulldog, and obviously a lady one at that. Therefore: fancy lady name. According to the owner she hasn't been able to find a suitable sweater for the pub because she happens to be 29" around... which is actually one inch larger than my boyfriend's waist, so yeah, she's a big gal ^_^.
I've designed the pattern myself, so I really hope it fits the little lady. Here's Apollo, my roommate's cat, checking it out. I think he approved, but then he tried to destroy it, so maybe not.
Here's my other project, in the works: Toad Hat. It's for my friend who likens herself to a toad. It still needs eyes yet, and I'm also thinking about ear flaps that look like frog legs, but I have yet to design those. Model: Apollo McLain, grudgingly.
And the next project up on the block is going to be an argyle sweater vest for Boone. I have been assured by fellow knitters that the boyfriend curse does not work for vests. It's the sleeves that really get you, after all. I bought all this beautiful "Country" and "Spa" yarn at Michael's and it feels so nice. If Boone doesn't wear this thing, I certainly will. I'm thinking about doing the Mangyle pattern off Knitty, but I'm not sure.
So pretty.
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