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Showing posts from August, 2014

Spin spin spin!

I raised enough money for my spinning wheel and proceeded to spin an entire skein up in a 24 hour period. I was so excited I couldn't help myself. Here's a picture of the transition from bare roving, to dyed roving, to all spun up and plied. I've also been doing some super fun mood sock yarn kits by request. The customer gives me the character or just a show in general to be inspired by and I give them 4 mini skeins to knit 1 pair of socks with, knitting their mood as they go. Firefly themed, she gave me her 4 favorite characters, I gave her these babies! Gilmore Girls. This was made by request of a huge GG fan. I have to admit I've never seen the show, but I did a lot of research to make these 4 mini skeins happen! :D Also happening in my store right now that is blowing me away is that my "Grab Bag Sale" listing is flying off the metaphoric shelves! I guess knitters like the idea of being surprised by they yarn they get. I d...

YAYSPIN! (And Crazy Cat Lady Shenanigans)

Hey there my lovely yarnies! I'm trying to raise funds to buy a real spinning wheel (which will hopefully cut my spinning yarn time down by like 75%!). The PVC wonder that my boyfriend made me has finally spun it's last yard. One of the sides actually broke off and flew across the room at a great speed (a little scary, as we have 3 fish tanks in my living room >.> ) ANYWAY, I'm doing this promotional code (YAYSPIN) because I have a wheel lined up to buy, just need $200 to get it and ship it from Colorado. My Etsy store, as you may already know, is - all yarn is geeky inspired and I do custom colorway orders all the time. Christmas is just like... 20 Saturdays away right? So even if you don't knit, maybe a friend or loved one of yours does? ^_____^ Also, for anyone interested in how the constellation shawl turned out, IT IS SO GORGEOUS. And it's new mommy has it and loves it dearly. I laid it out to take a nice picture of it, and ...