Hey there my lovely yarnies!
I'm trying to raise funds to buy a real spinning wheel (which will hopefully cut my spinning yarn time down by like 75%!). The PVC wonder that my boyfriend made me has finally spun it's last yard. One of the sides actually broke off and flew across the room at a great speed (a little scary, as we have 3 fish tanks in my living room >.> )
ANYWAY, I'm doing this promotional code (YAYSPIN) because I have a wheel lined up to buy, just need $200 to get it and ship it from Colorado. My Etsy store, as you may already know, is LadyPurl.Etsy.com - all yarn is geeky inspired and I do custom colorway orders all the time. Christmas is just like... 20 Saturdays away right? So even if you don't knit, maybe a friend or loved one of yours does? ^_____^
Also, for anyone interested in how the constellation shawl turned out, IT IS SO GORGEOUS. And it's new mommy has it and loves it dearly. I laid it out to take a nice picture of it, and of course, Rory immediately jumped on it and was all, "MINE," to it. Cats, amiright?
I'm trying to raise funds to buy a real spinning wheel (which will hopefully cut my spinning yarn time down by like 75%!). The PVC wonder that my boyfriend made me has finally spun it's last yard. One of the sides actually broke off and flew across the room at a great speed (a little scary, as we have 3 fish tanks in my living room >.> )
ANYWAY, I'm doing this promotional code (YAYSPIN) because I have a wheel lined up to buy, just need $200 to get it and ship it from Colorado. My Etsy store, as you may already know, is LadyPurl.Etsy.com - all yarn is geeky inspired and I do custom colorway orders all the time. Christmas is just like... 20 Saturdays away right? So even if you don't knit, maybe a friend or loved one of yours does? ^_____^
Picture of the border, which seriously took longer than the whole body of the shawl.
And here's my kitten, Badger, for good measure, sitting in my yarn cooking pot. Because, cats.
Love that shawl. Looks like van Gogh.