I raised enough money for my spinning wheel and proceeded to spin an entire skein up in a 24 hour period. I was so excited I couldn't help myself.
Here's a picture of the transition from bare roving, to dyed roving, to all spun up and plied.
Firefly themed, she gave me her 4 favorite characters, I gave her these babies!
Gilmore Girls. This was made by request of a huge GG fan. I have to admit I've never seen the show, but I did a lot of research to make these 4 mini skeins happen! :D
Also happening in my store right now that is blowing me away is that my "Grab Bag Sale" listing is flying off the metaphoric shelves! I guess knitters like the idea of being surprised by they yarn they get. I don't know that I could ever be that trusting, hehe, but a lot of people have really enjoyed it so far, so I hope it keeps coming!
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