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Showing posts from 2014

Happy Holiday and New Year!

The new years is next week and that means new products! My most important resolution for the new year, like ever year for the past 4 years, is to grow my business. I realized recently that a great way to do that is to branch out into different areas in my niche market. I have yarn, yes, but what else can I do for my fellow geeky knitters? I have a few ideas but I'd love to hear from you too! Here are a few things I have come up with: Lotion Bars! Knitters get dry hands, especially the knitters I know that have to live through these harsh Wisconsin winters. Even when it's a nice 40 degrees out, like it is currently (which is unseasonably warm for this time of year, last year it was -20 degrees out and my car wouldn't start), if folks are like me their hands start to dry out to the point of cracking and bleeding at the knuckles. Just BECAUSE. Some winters it looks like I get in fist fights each night, and that level of dry skin makes knitting almost painful. So I pla...

Wool & Cotton Co.

I got the incredible opportunity to wholesale at an adorable new yarn shop in Greendale, WI, Wool & Cotton Co . (From my new house it's only a 10 minute drive!) I took this picture after I was finished labeling everything. I'm packaging my Mood Sock Yarn Kits in these handy dandy little plastic buttoned bags now, which makes them much easier to sell in the store, and I gave the owner 2 each of Firefly, Doctor Who, and a new kit that's Disney Princess themed and sparkly!  Now that I have a little more time on my hands I'm going to try to finish my next episode of "Electric Sheep" tomorrow. I'm going to ply my sparkly gold Rumpelstiltskin yarn, and show how to set the skein. And now I'm going to pass out because I stayed up until 1 AM finishing all this yarn, and then woke up early to get all the labels made, printed, and put on. PHEW, IT IS DONE!

A New House and the RRRAGS Event!

I just bought and moved into a house of my very own! And you know what that means? A DEDICATED YARN ROOM. YEP. Dedicated to making yarn, spinning, winding, dyeing, and everything else yarn related I can fit into that 12x12 foot space! I just finished moving and will be unpacking all my stuff for a while now, but it's looking good so far. Pictures coming soon, when it doesn't look so much like a storage unit ^__^. Until then, you should mark your calendars for this awesome arts and craft fair: Visit to see what other vendors will be there. My friend Erin of Milwaukee Mitten Co ( ) and I are sharing a table for this awesome event that helps support the arts in Milwaukee Schools. For more information and to RSVP, visit the Facebook page: for this event and get updates on all the super creative folks that are taking part! The Details: Where: The Falcon B...

Electric Sheep Episode 2: Blending and Spinning!

Electric Sheep Episode 1: Dyeing Roving!

Electric Sheep, Episode 0

I'm starting a new video podcast and I hope you join me over on my YouTube channel:  Lady Purl  to get tutorials, classes, updates, and share in my fiber journey. Please comment (here or on YouTube) to give me ideas of what you want to see from me and my shop!

Spin spin spin!

I raised enough money for my spinning wheel and proceeded to spin an entire skein up in a 24 hour period. I was so excited I couldn't help myself. Here's a picture of the transition from bare roving, to dyed roving, to all spun up and plied. I've also been doing some super fun mood sock yarn kits by request. The customer gives me the character or just a show in general to be inspired by and I give them 4 mini skeins to knit 1 pair of socks with, knitting their mood as they go. Firefly themed, she gave me her 4 favorite characters, I gave her these babies! Gilmore Girls. This was made by request of a huge GG fan. I have to admit I've never seen the show, but I did a lot of research to make these 4 mini skeins happen! :D Also happening in my store right now that is blowing me away is that my "Grab Bag Sale" listing is flying off the metaphoric shelves! I guess knitters like the idea of being surprised by they yarn they get. I d...

YAYSPIN! (And Crazy Cat Lady Shenanigans)

Hey there my lovely yarnies! I'm trying to raise funds to buy a real spinning wheel (which will hopefully cut my spinning yarn time down by like 75%!). The PVC wonder that my boyfriend made me has finally spun it's last yard. One of the sides actually broke off and flew across the room at a great speed (a little scary, as we have 3 fish tanks in my living room >.> ) ANYWAY, I'm doing this promotional code (YAYSPIN) because I have a wheel lined up to buy, just need $200 to get it and ship it from Colorado. My Etsy store, as you may already know, is - all yarn is geeky inspired and I do custom colorway orders all the time. Christmas is just like... 20 Saturdays away right? So even if you don't knit, maybe a friend or loved one of yours does? ^_____^ Also, for anyone interested in how the constellation shawl turned out, IT IS SO GORGEOUS. And it's new mommy has it and loves it dearly. I laid it out to take a nice picture of it, and ...


The epic shawl that shall not be named is FINISHED! Once I got to the last few stitches I almost couldn't contain myself. I had chores to do today and all I could think was, "I'M SO CLOSE, JUST NEED TO GET THIS DONE!" I finally graphed the first row of the edging with the final row and I was almost done. Due to the manner in which I had initially dyed the yarn, there were a few light areas that I wasn't fond of so I redyed the entire shawl when I was done knitting. I dipped it into a pot of darker blue and a little violet and dash of black. It deepened the blue and got rid of the lighter areas, and I really like the new shade of sapphire! This is how much yarn I had left of my 2 skeins after binding off. I was super lucky! I worried about the remaining yarn before I even started the edging, and had I done even 1 more row while knitting the 576 stitches in the round, I bet I would have run out. PHEW! I'll be sure to take and post more...

The Never Ending Celestarium

After seeing this post   about the Celestarium shawl, I fell in love. Then I quickly put it in the back of my brain so I wouldn't have to drool over it anymore and went about my day. Later, multiple friends saw the Reddit post that made the shawl famous, posted it on Facebook, and some even sent the link specifically to me, telling me I should make it. I was tempted yet again. My Goddess was I tempted, but my problem with shawls, as much as I love knitting them, is that I never -- yep never -- wear them. I wish I did. I wish I was the type to, but I just don't. I'm more of a geeky t-shirt and cardigan if I'm cold wear-er, not the fancy shawl type. So investing this much of my time and money into a shawl as complex as this one (it's actually not complex at all, I just assumed becauseā€¦ beads) didn't seem in my starts (hehe, see what I did there?) BUT then came the Facebook friend that decided she needed one for herself and would pay me for my time and supp...

Spinning Magic!

I started spinning my own yarn a while ago after learning over 2 years ago. When I started back then, it hurt my wrist and my yarn was super uneven. I would use the drop spindle that I got from my local yarn store, a simple wooden Ashford, for hours, trying to practice. I started with a gorgeous silk roving that was way out of my league. The best thing to start spinning with is 100% wool. It's the easiest to work with by far. Silk is slippery and doesn't want to spin up nicely. It was completely frustrating, so after a few hours of trying and horrible wrist pain, I packed the spindle and roving up and didn't look at it again for years.  After Sheep in the City this year I saw all the beautiful spinning wheels, all the gorgeous hand-spun yarn, and tons of reasonably priced hand-dyed roving, and all I wanted to do is start back up again. On the second day of SITC I brought that bag out, bought some roving from one of the local sellers, and started up a new skein. My firs...

Back to the blogsphere!

I've been up to a LOT. Here are a few snapshots of the new things I've been doing. First up, I've been dying up mini-skeins for "Mood Sock Kits." The basic premise of these kits is that you knit a basic sock pattern and change skeins depending on your mood at the time of knitting. I made them geeky, of course, and I've been putting them up on my Etsy store in themed "editions." I have done Doctor Who, Firefly, and the Avengers so far, and all have been very successful.   "Doctor Who Edition" I've also begun spinning my own yarn! This is super exciting for me because I (of course) need another hobby like I need a hole in the head XD. These 2 skeins were spun using a drop spindle, but I recently acquired an electric spinning wheel as well, and I'm super excited about the results I'm getting with that (it's also about 10 times faster!). Every skein I spin gets better, so I'm sure I'll be a pro in no time :)...